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Rosedale Village

Tacoma, Washington


Address: 4203 Rosedale St., NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Pricing: Intermediate
Phone: (253) 530-3334
Community Size: 1 - 99 Units


Rosedale Village is a new 55+ community that features single-level craftsman-style apartment homes. Located in the waterfront town of Gig Harbor, Washington, it offers a scenic and maritime setting, and is just across the bridge from Tacoma. The private and secure community includes 68 single-level apartment residences in duplex configuration, and 11 single-level detached cottages. Homes range from 1,350 to 1,500 square feet, with private enclosed patios and garden areas. Rosedale Village provides a natural setting of native forests and is adjacent to the Cushman Trail, and within walking distance to waterfront shops and restaurants.

Residence Types

• Rentals • 46 • Cottages • 55+ or Age Restricted

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